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2024 Customer Correspondence

June 4, 2024:

Dear Customers,

RE: 2024 Water Supply Availability & Surplus Notice


Potter Valley Project diversions from the Eel River to the Russian River may be reduced at some point this summer if/when the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) approves PG&E’s flow variance request. This will reduce the water available for many appropriative water rights. While the State Water Board has not issued formal curtailments, to fully comply with appropriative water right terms, it is important to verify the water source for a right when completing the annual reporting. In other words, be mindful of how you report your 2024 water use on your own water rights.

The District anticipates being able to serve all customer contracts. Lake Mendocino is full, thanks to the Forecast Informed Reservoir Operations (FIRO), and stored water is in sufficient supply. If you are concerned your contract will not meet your needs if the Eel River diversions are reduced, you may request surplus and/or changes to your contract by contact me.


The District recognizes the difficulty of projecting water use with the Eel River flow variance undetermined. Therefore, customer 2023 gross pumping quantities are being used to estimate 2024 water use. This is not contractual; it is only used for planning purposes.


If you want to request any surplus water for the 2024 growing season, please contact me by July 1, 2024.

If you would like to make any of your unused contract water available to other District customers and Redwood Valley County Water District, please contact me. The benefits to making your unused water available for transfer include reducing your annual invoice and aiding in the health of the District’s water license by putting Project Water to beneficial use. The quantity of water actually transferred may not be equal to the quantity you make available to the District. The final accounting will be reflected on your January 2025 annual invoice which will indicate the final acre feet quantity transferred and the dollar amount savings. This opportunity is first come, first serve.

If you have questions, feel free to contact me.

Thank you,

Elizabeth Salomone, General Manager

2024, 6-4 Water use letter to customers for 2024.pdf
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