Sustainable Groundwater Management
Groundwater sustainability is the development and use of groundwater resources to meet current and future beneficial uses without causing unacceptable environmental or socioeconomic consequences (USGS Circular 1186).
CA Dept of Water Resources: Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) is intended to achieve groundwater basin sustainability goals over 20 years and requires GSAs to manage groundwater sustainably by avoiding locally defined undesirable results and considering all beneficial uses and users including drinking water users.
The Department of Water Resources published Alignment & Coordination: Water Shortage Planning for Rural Communities and Sustainable Groundwater Management in March of 2023. The Report identifies opportunities and encourages counties and groundwater sustainability agencies (GSAs) to align and coordinate their respective responsibilities for drought and water shortage planning efforts for rural communities under Senate Bill (SB) 552 and the long-term sustainability goals of groundwater basins under the Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA).
- SGMA UPDATE: Groundwater trading, SGMA implementation, and the 2023 groundwater conditions report, 6/5/24
- DWR SGMA Implementation Update, July 2023: Local Actions are Key to Progress in Reaching Groundwater Sustainability by Paul Gosselin - DWR Deputy Director of Sustainable Groundwater Management
Local Groundwater Sustainability
The Mendocino County Russian River Flood Control & Water Conservation Improvement District is a member of the Ukiah Valley Basin Groundwater Sustainability Agency.
Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) turns 10 years old in 2024.
Watch the State Assembly Joint Hearing of the Budget Subcommittee No. 4 on Climate Crisis, Resources, Energy and Transportation and Water, Parks, and Wildlife Committee: video link and read the handout on SGMA overview by the Legislative Analyst's office.
Learn more:
- Department of Water Resources (DWR) - Sustainable Groundwater Management Act (SGMA) website
- Public Policy Institute of California: Groundwater in California Fact Sheet, June 2024
- DWR, Groundwater: Understanding and Managing this Vital Resource
- CA Water Impact Network: SGMA Explainer, 3/10/25