California Water Plan 2023 Update
Update 2023 promotes building a climate-resilient future
The California Department of Water Resources (DWR) has released the final California Water Plan Update 2023. It is the State’s strategic plan for sustainably and equitably managing and developing water resources. To achieve its ambitious vision for California water, Update 2023 focuses on three intersecting themes — addressing climate urgency, strengthening watershed resilience, and achieving equity in water management. This plan can be used by water and resource managers in water districts, cities, counties, Tribal communities, and non-governmental organizations to inform and guide the use and development of water resources for sustainability and resilience. More information is available in this news release and fact sheet.
Department of Water Resources - California Water Plan webpage
Executive summary available as stand-alone document
A standalone version of Update 2023's executive summary is available for online review or downloading. It provides a brief overview of what is covered in all eight chapters, and it features seven objectives designed as a roadmap to resilience in California. Getting to the final Update 2023 was a collaborative effort. From Tribal engagement to public workshops to meetings with other State agencies, the feedback and suggestions DWR received informed and improved Update 2023, making it truly California’s Water Plan.

Watershed resilience companion document released for Update 2023
A supporting document for California Water Plan Update 2023 has been posted by DWR’s Watershed Resilience Program. California Watershed Resilience Assessment (previously known as DWR Climate Change Risk and Preparedness Assessment) presents the approach and findings of a statewide assessment of climate risk and resilience preparedness at the watershed scale. The report is available in the Supporting Documents section of the Update 2023 webpage.