Cutting the Green Tape
Helping environmentally beneficial work happen more quickly, simply, and cost-effectively
The California Natural Resources Agency (CNRA) has identified Cutting Green Tape as a signature initiative to increase the pace and scale of ecological restoration and stewardship by amending and streamlining various government processes.
Cutting Green Tape is focused on improving interagency coordination, partnerships and agency processes and policies to allow ecological restoration and stewardship to occur more quickly, simply, and cost-effectively. Numerous state and federal agencies and non-government partners have been working to break down barriers within the permitting and regulatory fields to increase the pace and scale of restoration work across the state. CNRA has made a number of additional advances to the Cutting Green Tape initiative by prioritizing efficient funding processes and engaging stakeholders in creating streamlined and strategic investments that achieve the State’s restoration and biodiversity goals.
from: CA Natural Resources Agency - Cutting the Green Tape
Further information:
Report: Cutting Green Tape: Regulatory Efficiencies for a Resilient Environment, November 2020
Website: CA Landscape Stewardship Network - Cutting the Green Tape
Website: CA Department of Fish & Wildlife: Cutting the Green Tape
Article: Sustainable Conservation - California Cuts the Green Tape, 4/11/23
Article: CalMatters-How ‘Cutting Green Tape’ can make California more resilient, 3/8/21