Potter Valley Project License Amendment
Updated January 2025 (scroll down for new information)
In July 2023, PG&E requested a long-term flow regime for the Potter Valley project from the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC.) This request was in response to the recently determined seismic risks at Scott Dam which led to a reduction in the water stored in Lake Pillsbury for summer release into the Eel River, and subsequently the East Fork Russian River above Lake Mendocino. The request adjusted minimum instream flows to adapt to a lower water supply (letter linked below.)
2023, 7-31 PGE LongTermFlowRegime req to FERC.pdf2023, 7-31 PGE LongTermFlowRegime req to FERC, Enc 1.pdfIn October 2023, FERC responded to PG&E’s request. “In your filing, you request a long-term variance of the minimum flow requirements beginning in 2024 until project decommissioning, which you are planning to initiate by January 2025 with the filing of a surrender application. Due to your request for a continuing variance until such a time as the project is surrendered, Commission staff have determined that your request constitutes an amendment to your project license. As such, Commission staff require additional information to complete our review of your application. Therefore, we are requesting additional information….” In this letter, FERC requested both responses to the Request for Additional Information, as well as for PG&E to initiate the license amendment process. (Letter linked below.)
2024, 9-27 SWRCB let to FERC RE PG&E license amendment.pdfIn September 2024, the State Water Resources Control Board issued a letter to update FERC on the water quality certification process for PG&E’s proposed license amendment application, strongly urging that PG&E promptly begin the certification application process necessary (letter linked below.)
In January 2025, PG&E submitted an Application for Non-Capacity License Amendment and Response to Additional Information Request to FERC. PG&E is seeking a non-capacity license amendment for the Potter Valley Project to modify the existing minimum flow requirements. Since the adoption of the minimum flow requirements per the license, PG&E has requested, and FERC has granted, numerous temporary variances to manage insufficient water supply and reservoir storage capacity to support minimum flows. The repetitive nature and rationale for these variances demonstrates that the Project is unable to meet the minimum flow requirements in both rivers while also maintaining facility safety and protecting listed species in the Eel River below Scott Dam. (Application is linked below.)
From the application:
"PG&E is requesting a non-capacity amendment to FERC license Article 52 to reduce EBRR flows to proactively manage reservoir storage in a manner that is protective of the Project facilities and promotes cooler water temperature releases to minimize and avoid potential impacts to federally Endangered Species Act (ESA)-listed salmonid species and other aquatic resources that occupy the Eel River within the Project area."
2025, 2-14 PG&E Application for License Amendment to FERC.pdf2025, 3-24 SWRCB Notice of App for Water Quality Cert by PGE.pdf
Comments submitted to FERC regarding PG&E's PVP License Amendment:
2025, 2-24 SWRCB Comments on PGE lic amendment app.pdfSWRCB PVP lic amendment comments to FERC, 2025, 3-21.pdf