Russian River Water Update 5/8/23

Reservoir Storage & Operations(More info here):
Water supply information is provided by Sonoma Water.
Abacela Monthly Weather-Climate Summary and Forecast for May 2023

Sonoma Water Files Temporary Urgency Change Petition
Russian River Water Forum Updates

The Russian River Water Forum Planning Group will be holding its first meeting on Wednesday, May 17th and members of the public are invited to attend. The meeting will be held at the Ukiah Valley Conference Center; there will also be a Zoom option. The Planning Group is comprised of approximately 30 members representing a cross-section of interests in Sonoma, Mendocino, Lake, and Humboldt Counties.
Planning Group Meeting Details
- Time/Date: May 17, 2023, from 10 am – 3 pm.
- Location: Ukiah Valley Conference Center Cabernet 1. 200 S School St, Ukiah, CA 95482. More logistical information to come.
- Lunch will be provided for Planning Group members. Refreshments will be provided for all attendees.
- Please RSVP for the meeting here. Registration helps us plan for and host the most effective meeting. All Planning Group members, public, and press are welcome to RSVP.
Reference Materials:
- Water Forum Website.
- Planning Group Charter. This draft charter includes the purpose and guidelines of the Planning Group and will be certified by the Planning Group.
- Stakeholder Assessment Findings. This document summarizes the themes and takeaways from Kearns & West’s stakeholder assessment, conducted in fall 2022.
- Tribal Assessment Findings. This document summarizes the themes and takeaways from Kearns & West’s tribal assessment, conducted in 2022 and 2023.
Upcoming Events
What are Californians doing about … Weather Whiplash? - May 18, 2023 from 12:00 pm to 1:00pm
Californians are living through record-breaking extreme weather, from crippling drought to dangerous flooding. How is state government adjusting to these intensifying climate extremes? How can our state continue to thrive as the dryer periods become dryer, and the wetter periods become wetter? What investments, policies programs are needed? What can everyday Californians do? Join scientific experts and state leaders unpack and discuss this critical topic. Zoom link:
CA Water Data Consortium May Data for Lunch on 5/23 (virtual): The Consortium is hosting a presentation and Q&A session on Machine Learning for Rivers: How Data Science Can Inform Water Management in California. Register here.
GRACast on 5/31 (virtual): Join the California Water Data Consortium, Environmental Defense Fund, and Environmental Science Associates for a GRACast on May 31st at 12pm on the Groundwater Accounting Platform. The Groundwater Accounting Platform is an open-source tool that helps California water managers, landowners, and water users track water budgets and usage more easily in near real-time. Register here.
SWRCB Upward Public Webinar on 5/19 (virtual): State Water Resources Control Board staff will hold a public webinar in May to provide an update on the UPWARD project progress and provide details about the formation of the UPWARD Advisory Group. Register here.
Nature Based Solutions

“The East Los Angeles Sustainable Median Stormwater Capture Project is a good example of a completed SCWP project that delivers both traditional elements of stormwater projects and more community-oriented elements. This project, in a frontline community in the Rio Hondo Watershed, leveraged $22.5 million (with an additional $7 million through the SCWP) to build stormwater capture infrastructure that infiltrates 378 million gallons of water annually for water supply. The street median incorporates infiltration wells and bioswales with drought tolerant landscaping, jogging paths, educational signage, and more than 300 trees to provide shade and reduce the heat island effect.”
Stormwater Solutions - LA County program supports multi-benefit stormwater infrastructure projects, 4/28/23
In the press:
- CA Water Plan eNews, 5/3/23
- Maven's Notebook, April 30-May 5, 2023
- CBS News - California redwoods suffer from effects of climate change-fueled weather whiplash, 5/2/23
- - Research aims to improve predictions of heavy rainfall events, 5/4/23
- MendoFever - PG&E Holds Town Hall updating earthquake & flood risks, 5/3/23
- Maven's Notebook FEATURE: California Taps Beavers to Restore Watersheds, 5/3/23